Module Db

module Db: sig .. end
Managing authentication and associated data for interactive sessions.

Patoline documents can be interactive, allowing for example an audience to connect remotely to a presentation and interact with it, possibly changing some parts of it (such as answering a poll, results being updated on-screen immediately).

This module provides tools for managing user sessions and a storage space for key/value pairs associated to each session.

Encoding and decoding data in the database

type 'a data = {
   name : string;
   init : 'a;
   read : unit -> 'a;
   write : 'a -> unit;
   reset : unit -> unit;
   distribution : ?group:string -> unit -> int * ('a * int) list;
exception DummyData
Exception raised when actually trying to use the Db.dummyData below.
val dummyData : string data
Dummy inhabitant of type, which can be used to initialize data structure, but whose content should never be used (calling any member function raises Db.DummyData).
type 'a coding = {
   encode : 'a -> string; (*
Serializing some value of type 'a to a string which can be stored in database.
   decode : string -> 'a; (*
Parsing a string from the database and creating a value of type 'a. This should be the inverse of encode.
val default_coding : 'a coding
Default polymorphic coding, using OCaml Marshal module, escaped using base64.
val string_coding : string coding
Strings coding, which ony uses base64 escaping.
val bool_coding : bool coding
Coding boolean as strings "true" and "false". Any value other than "true" in the database is decoded as false.

Connection to databases

module type DbInterface = sig .. end
Interface to be implemented by database managers
module type DbInstance = sig .. end
Generic type for database instances
type database = (module Db.DbInstance) 
type db = {
   db : unit -> database;
   create_data : 'a.
?log:bool ->
?visibility:Util.visibility -> 'a coding -> string -> 'a -> 'a data
   disconnect : unit -> unit;
val init_db : (module Db.DbInterface with type dbinfo = 'a) -> string -> 'a -> db


val interaction_start_hook : (unit -> unit) list Pervasives.ref
List of functions called when the interactive session starts
val read_hook : (string -> Util.visibility -> unit) list Pervasives.ref
Hooks called when some data is being read from a database
val write_hook : (string -> Util.visibility -> unit) list Pervasives.ref
Hooks called when some data is being written to a database
val record : ('a -> 'b -> unit) list Pervasives.ref ->
('c -> 'd) -> 'c -> 'd * ('a * 'b) list
val stop_record : 'a list Pervasives.ref -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'c
val record_read : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b * (string * Util.visibility) list
val record_write : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> (string * Util.visibility) list
val stop_record_read : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val stop_record_write : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val do_interaction_start_hook : unit -> unit
Run all hooks in Db.interaction_start_hook.
val do_record_read : 'a data -> Util.visibility -> unit
Run all hooks in Db.read_hook.
val do_record_write : 'a data -> Util.visibility -> unit
Run all hooks in Db.write_hook.

Utility functions

val sessid : (string * string * (string * string) list) option Pervasives.ref
val secret : string Pervasives.ref
val make_sessid : unit -> string
val friends_from_string : string -> (string * string) list
val friends_to_string : (string * string) list -> string