module Document: Document
Font, substitutions, positioning
fontAlternative =
| |
Regular |
| |
Bold |
| |
Caps |
| |
Demi |
val simpleFamilyMember : (unit -> Fonts.font) ->
(Fonts.font * (string -> string) *
(FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) *
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list))
val make_ligature : int list -> FTypes.glyph_id -> FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list
fontFamily = fontAlternative *
((Fonts.font * (string -> string) *
(FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) *
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list))
Lazy.t *
(Fonts.font * (string -> string) *
(FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) *
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list))
module TS: Break.Make
module Mathematical: sig
.. end
environment = {
fontFamily : fontFamily list ; |
fontMonoFamily : fontFamily list ; |
fontMonoRatio : float ; |
fontItalic : bool ; |
fontAlternative : fontAlternative ; |
fontFeatures : string list ; |
fontColor : Color.color ; |
font : Fonts.font ; |
mathsEnvironment : Mathematical.environment ; |
mathStyle : ; |
size : float ; |
lead : float ; |
: float ; |
normalMeasure : float ; |
normalLead : float ; |
normalLeftMargin : float ; |
normalPageFormat : float * float ; |
par_indent : list ; |
hyphenate : string -> (string * string) array ; |
word_substitutions : string -> string ; |
substitutions : FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list ; |
positioning : FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list ; |
counters : (int * int list) Extra.StrMap.t ; |
last_changed_counter : string ; |
names : ((int * int list) Extra.StrMap.t * string * Box.line) Extra.StrMap.t ; |
fixable : bool Pervasives.ref ; |
new_page : Box.frame_zipper -> Box.frame_zipper ; |
new_line : environment -> Box.line -> Box.parameters -> Box.line -> Box.parameters -> Box.frame_zipper -> float -> float ; |
user_positions : Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t ; |
show_boxes : bool ; |
show_frames : bool ; |
adjust_optical_alpha : float ; |
adjust_optical_beta : float ; |
adjust_epsilon : float ; |
adjust_min_space : float ; |
math_break_badness : float ; |
stdGlue : float * float * float ; |
Environments. These are typically folded on document trees, and
control many different things about the fonts, counters, or
val env_accessed : bool Pervasives.ref
val names : environment ->
((int * int list) Extra.StrMap.t * string * Box.line) Extra.StrMap.t
val user_positions : environment -> Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t
val displayname : Driver.structure -> RawContent.raw list
Document content
content =
Main type used to hold document contents.
paragraph = {
First type of leaves in a document: paragraphs.
figuredef = {
Second type of leaves in a document: figures.
node = {
Internal node of the document tree (e.g. section, chapter...).
tree =
Type of a document tree.
val empty : node
Empty node (with no child tree).
val singleton : tree -> node
Build a node with a single child tree.
tree_zipper = tree * (int * node) list
The main datatype is a zipper over a document tree. It consists in a
couple whose first component is a tree. The second component represents
the context identifying a position in the tree.
The tree represented by the zipper (t, [(p1,t1), ... , (pn,tn)])
built by:
- appending the tree t at position p1 in t1,
- appending the resulting tree at poistion p2 in t2,
- ...
- appending the resulting tree at poistion pn in tn.
val up : tree_zipper -> tree_zipper
Function that takes a tree zipper (t,cxt)
pointing to some node
and returns a zipper pointing to the father node of t. If this
function is called on a zipper that points to the root of the tree, a
new empty node is created to have t
as its only child.
val up_n : int -> tree_zipper -> tree_zipper
Function that applies
n times on a zipper, effectively moving the
zipper to the n-th ancestor of the currently pointed node.
val top : tree_zipper -> tree_zipper
Move the zipper to the root of the tree
val lastChild : tree_zipper -> tree_zipper
Move the zipper to point to the child of the pointed node with the higher
index. It the pointed tree is not a node the zipper is left unchanged.
val newChildAfter : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper
Take a zipper (t,cxt)
and a tree c
and adds c
as the last child of the
pointed node. If the pointed subtree is not a node, a new node is
created to hold t
and c
. The returned zipper points to c
val newChildBefore : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper
val child : tree_zipper -> int -> tree_zipper
Take a zipper pointing to a node and move it down its i-th child. If the
zipper does not point to a node, Invalid_argument
is raised. If the i-th
child does not exists, it is created as a new empty node.
val follow : tree_zipper -> int list -> tree_zipper
Take a tree zipper and an path represented as a list of integers and move
the zipper down the path (i.e. calling child on the successive indices.
module type Format = sig
.. end
Module type of a document format.
module type DocumentStructure = sig
.. end
Module type to be used as a document wrapper.
val doc_tags : tree -> (string * string) list
val init_env_hook : (environment -> environment) list Pervasives.ref
val add_env_hook : (environment -> environment) -> unit
val bB : (environment -> list) -> content
val uB : (environment -> list) -> content
val tT : string -> content
val uT : string -> content
val string_of_contents : content list -> string
val _names : environment ->
((int * int list) Extra.StrMap.t * string * Box.line) Extra.StrMap.t
val _user_positions : environment -> Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t
val incr_counter : ?level:int ->
Extra.StrMap.key -> environment -> environment
val pop_counter : Extra.StrMap.key -> environment -> environment
val push_counter : Extra.StrMap.key -> environment -> environment
val tags : tree -> (string * string) list
val envApp : ('a -> 'a) list -> 'a -> 'a
val map_paragraphs : (paragraph -> paragraph) -> tree -> tree
exception Found
val find_last : (tree -> bool) -> tree -> Extra.IntMap.key list
Finds the last node satisfying a given predicate in a document tree.
val is_paragraph : tree -> bool
Is the node a paragraph ?
val is_node : tree -> bool
Is the node an internal node ?
val prev : (tree -> bool) ->
tree * (Extra.IntMap.key * tree) list ->
tree * (Extra.IntMap.key * tree) list
val go_up : tree_zipper Pervasives.ref -> unit
val n_go_up : int -> tree_zipper Pervasives.ref -> unit
val change_env : tree * 'a ->
(environment -> environment) -> tree * 'a
exception Not_found_in_family
val selectFont : ('a * ('b Lazy.t * 'b Lazy.t)) list -> 'a -> bool -> 'b
val updateFont : environment ->
Fonts.font ->
(string -> string) ->
(FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) ->
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list) -> environment
val change_font : Fonts.font -> environment -> environment
val font : Fonts.font -> content list -> content list
val add_features : string list -> environment -> environment
val envItalic : bool -> environment -> environment
val italic : content list -> content list
val notItalic : content list -> content list
val toggleItalic : content list -> content list
val envAlternative : ?features:string list ->
fontAlternative -> environment -> environment
val alternative : ?features:string list ->
fontAlternative -> content list -> content list
val font_size_ratio : (fontAlternative * ((Fonts.font * 'a * 'b * 'c) Lazy.t * 'd)) list ->
(fontAlternative * ((Fonts.font * 'e * 'f * 'g) Lazy.t * 'h)) list ->
val envFamily : fontFamily list -> environment -> environment
val family : fontFamily list -> content list -> content list
val envMonoFamily : fontFamily list -> environment -> environment
val monoFamily : fontFamily list -> content list -> content list
val envSize : float -> environment -> environment
val size : float -> content list -> content list
val envScale : float -> environment -> environment
val scale : float -> content list -> content list
val envScaleLead : float -> environment -> environment
val scaleLead : float -> content list -> content list
val envColor : Color.color -> environment -> environment
val color : Color.color -> content list -> content list
val envBold : environment -> environment
val bold : content list -> content list
val envSv : environment -> environment
val sc : content list -> content list
val verbEnv : environment -> environment
val verb : content list -> content list
val emph : content list -> content list
val id : 'a -> 'a
val parameters : environment -> array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
'a ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t -> 'b -> 'c -> Box.line -> Box.parameters
val set_parameters : (Box.parameters -> Box.parameters) -> content list
val vspaceBefore : float -> content list
val vspaceAfter : float -> content list
val pagesBefore : int -> content list
val pagesAfter : int -> content list
val linesBefore : int -> content list
val linesAfter : int -> content list
val notFirstLine : content list
val notLastLine : content list
val hspace : float -> content list
val hfill : content list
val do_center : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters) ->
'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters
val do_ragged_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters) ->
'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters
val do_ragged_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters) ->
'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> 'g -> Box.line -> Box.parameters
val badness : environment -> array array ->
'a ->
'b ->
Box.line -> array ->
int ->
Box.parameters ->
float -> Box.line -> array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> float
val figure : tree_zipper Pervasives.ref ->
(environment -> array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Box.parameters ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.line -> Box.parameters) ->
?name:Extra.StrMap.key -> (environment -> Box.drawingBox) -> unit
val flushFigure : Extra.StrMap.key -> content list
val beginFigure : Extra.StrMap.key -> content list
val newPar : tree_zipper Pervasives.ref ->
?environment:(environment -> environment) ->
?badness:(environment -> array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line -> array ->
int ->
Box.parameters ->
float ->
Box.line -> array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> float) ->
?states:int list ->
(environment -> array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> bool -> Box.line list) ->
(environment -> array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Box.parameters ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.line -> Box.parameters) ->
content list -> unit
val newStruct : tree_zipper Pervasives.ref ->
?in_toc:bool ->
?label:string ->
?numbered:bool ->
?extra_tags:(string * string) list -> content list -> unit
Adds a new node, just below the last one.
References, labels and links
: Extra.StrMap.key -> content list
val make_name : string -> string
val label : ?labelType:string -> string -> content list
val pass_number : int Pervasives.ref
val lref : ?refType:Extra.StrMap.key -> string -> content list
val generalRef : Extra.StrMap.key -> string -> content list
val sectref : string -> content list
val extLink : string -> content list -> content list
val link : string -> content list -> content list
val button_name : unit -> string
val button : RawContent.button_kind -> content list -> content list
val image : ?scale:float ->
?width:float ->
?height:float -> ?offset:float -> string -> 'a -> Box.drawingBox
val video : ?scale:float ->
?width:float ->
?height:float ->
?offset:float -> string -> environment -> Box.drawingBox
val includeGraphics : ?scale:float ->
?width:float ->
?height:float -> ?offset:float -> string -> content list
val includeVideo : ?scale:float ->
?width:float ->
?height:float -> ?offset:float -> string -> content list
val makeGlue : environment -> int ->
Makes a glue from the unicode character code given in the argument.
val gl_of_str : environment -> string -> list
Converts a string
to a list of glyphs, according to the environment.
val boxify : array Pervasives.ref ->
int Pervasives.ref ->
environment -> content list -> environment
Converts a list of contents into a list of boxes, which is the next Patoline layer.
val draw_boxes : environment -> list -> RawContent.raw list
Typesets boxes on a single line, then converts them to a list of basic
drawing elements: RawContent.raw
val bezier_of_boxes : RawContent.raw list -> Bezier.curve list
val adjust_width : environment -> array Pervasives.ref -> int Pervasives.ref -> unit
val boxify_scoped : environment -> content list -> list
The same as boxify, but discards the final environment.
val draw : environment -> content list -> RawContent.raw list
Composes boxify
and draw_boxes
val states : int list -> content list -> content list
val altStates : (int list * content list) list -> content list
val flatten : ?initial_path:Extra.IntMap.key list ->
environment ->
tree ->
environment *
( array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Box.parameters ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.line -> Box.parameters)
array *
( array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Box.parameters ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.line -> Box.parameters)
array * (Box.frame_zipper -> Box.frame_zipper) array *
(Box.line ->
Box.parameters ->
Box.line -> Box.parameters -> Box.frame_zipper -> float -> float)
array *
( array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> Box.line -> bool -> Box.line list)
array *
( array array ->
Box.drawingBox array ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line -> array ->
int ->
Box.parameters ->
float ->
Box.line -> array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> float)
array * array array *
(tree * (Extra.IntMap.key * tree) list) array *
Box.drawingBox array *
(tree * (Extra.IntMap.key * tree) list) array *
int list array
"flattens" a document tree to an array of paragraphs, a paragraph
being an array of boxes.
val make_struct : (int * float * float) array -> tree -> Driver.structure
val tag : tree -> (string * string) list -> tree
Adds a tag to the given structure.
val update_names : environment ->
Break.figurePosition Extra.IntMap.t ->
Box.line Box.MarkerMap.t -> environment * bool
Label updating after optimization.
val reset_counters : environment -> environment
Resets all the counters, preserving their levels.