Module Typography.Box

module Box: Box

type box = 
| GlyphBox of RawContent.glyph
| Kerning of box FTypes.kerningBox
| Glue of drawingBox
| Drawing of drawingBox
| Hyphen of hyphenBox
| Marker of marker
| BeginFigure of int
| FlushFigure of int
| Parameters of (parameters -> parameters)
| Layout of (frame_zipper -> frame_zipper)
| Empty
Elementary box in a paragraph
type paragraph = box array 
A paragraph is an array of elementary boxes. The line breaking algorithm produces lines (given by the type Box.line) by selecting chunks in a paragraph array.
type drawingBox = {
   drawing_min_width : float;
   drawing_nominal_width : float;
   drawing_max_width : float;
   drawing_width_fixed : bool;
   drawing_adjust_before : bool;
   drawing_y0 : float;
   drawing_y1 : float;
   drawing_badness : float -> float;
   drawing_break_badness : float;
   drawing_states : int list;
   drawing_contents : float -> RawContent.raw list;
type hyphenBox = {
   hyphen_normal : box array;
   hyphenated : (box array * box array) array;
type kind = 
| Extern of string
| Intern of string
| Button of RawContent.button_kind * string
type marker = 
| Label of string
| FigureRef of int
| Pageref of string
| Structure of int list
| BeginLink of kind
| EndLink
| AlignmentMark
type line = {
   paragraph : int; (*
Index of the paragraph containing this line in the array
   lastFigure : int; (*
Last placed figure (initially -1)
   lineStart : int; (*
Index of the first box of the line in the paragraph.
   lineEnd : int; (*
Index of the box next to the last box of the line, or the box with the hyphenation if the line is hyphenated.
   hyphenStart : int;
   hyphenEnd : int;
   isFigure : bool;
   layout : frame_zipper;
   height : float;
   paragraph_height : int;
   page_line : int;
   min_width : float;
   nom_width : float;
   max_width : float;
   line_y0 : float;
   line_y1 : float;
Description of a line, which should be produced by the line breaking algorithm. A line is merely described as the index of its first box and the index of its last box inside the paragraph (which itself is an array of boxes).
type parameters = {
   measure : float;
   left_margin : float;
   local_optimization : int;
   min_height_before : float;
   min_height_after : float;
   min_page_before : int;
   min_page_after : int;
   not_last_line : bool;
   not_first_line : bool;
   min_lines_before : int;
   min_lines_after : int;
   absolute : bool;
type placed_line = {
   line_params : parameters;
   line : line;
type frame_content = 
| Placed_line of placed_line
| Raw of RawContent.raw list
type frame = {
   frame_children : frame Extra.IntMap.t;
   frame_tags : string list;
   frame_x0 : float;
   frame_y0 : float;
   frame_x1 : float;
   frame_y1 : float;
   frame_content : frame_content list;
type frame_zipper = frame * (int * frame) list 
module MarkerMap: Map.Make(sig
type t = Box.marker 
val compare : Box.marker -> Box.marker -> int
val is_glyph : box -> bool
Helpful test functions.
val is_glue : box -> bool
val is_hyphen : box -> bool
val glyphCache : Fonts.font -> FTypes.glyph_id -> Color.color -> float -> box
Build a box containing one glyph, with a cache.
val glyph_of_uchar : Fonts.font -> UChar.t -> FTypes.glyph_id
Build a glyph id from a font and a unicode character.
val glyph_of_string : (FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) ->
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list) ->
Fonts.font -> float -> Color.color -> string -> box list
Build a list of boxes from a string, using stuff from kerning.
val hyphenate : (string -> (string * string) array) ->
(FTypes.glyph_id list -> FTypes.glyph_id list) ->
(FTypes.glyph_ids list -> FTypes.glyph_ids list) ->
Fonts.font -> float -> Color.color -> string -> box list
Build a list of boxes representing a word, while taking care of building an array of possible hyphenations for the word (if any).

Helper functions for layouts

val frame_up : frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list ->
frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list
val frame_down : Extra.IntMap.key ->
frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list ->
frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list
val frame_down_last : frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list ->
frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list
val frame_top : frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list ->
frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list
val empty_frame : frame
val frame : ?contents:frame_content list ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
float ->
frame * (int * frame) list -> frame * (int * frame) list
Creates a new frame with the given top-left and bottom-right corners, appends this frame as a child of the current frame, and moves down to this new frame.
val make_page : float * float ->
frame * (int * frame) list -> frame * (int * frame) list
val twocols : frame * 'a -> frame * 'a
val next_zipper : frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list ->
(frame * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list) option
val doc_frame : frame
val frame_page : 'a * (Extra.IntMap.key * frame) list -> int
val layout_page : line -> int
val all_contents : frame -> frame_content list

Helper functions for lines

val uselessLine : line
val default_params : parameters
val lines_eq : line -> line -> bool
val empty_drawing_box : drawingBox
val drawing : ?adjust_before:bool ->
?vcenter:bool ->
?hcenter:bool ->
?offset:float ->
?width_fixed:bool ->
?states:int list -> RawContent.raw list -> drawingBox
val drawing_blit : drawingBox -> float -> float -> drawingBox -> drawingBox
val box_width : float -> box -> float
val box_size : box -> float
val box_interval : box -> float * float * float
val boxes_interval : box array -> float * float * float
val lower_y : box -> float
val upper_y : box -> float
val knuth_h_badness : float -> float -> float
val glue : float -> float -> float -> box
val resize_drawing : float -> drawingBox -> drawingBox
val resize : float -> box -> box
val translate : float -> float -> box -> box
val vkern_percent_under' : ('a -> 'b -> box list) -> float -> 'a -> 'b -> float * box list
val vkern_percent_under : ('a -> 'b -> box list) -> float -> 'a -> 'b -> box list
val vkern_center : ('a -> 'b -> box list) -> float -> 'a -> 'b -> box list
val vkern_translate : ('a -> 'b -> box list) -> float -> 'a -> 'b -> box list
val vkern_as : ('a -> 'b -> box list) ->
('a -> 'b -> box list) -> 'a -> 'b -> box list
val fold_left_line : box array array -> ('a -> box -> 'a) -> 'a -> line -> 'a
Calling fold_left_line paragraphs f x0 line computes f (... (f (f (f x0 box0) box1) box2) ...) boxn where box0, box1, box2, … boxn are the boxes which belong to line in its corresponding paragraph paragraphs.(line.paragraph).
val line_layout : box array array -> line -> frame_zipper -> frame_zipper
val fold_left : ('a -> box -> 'a) -> 'a -> box list -> 'a
val first_line : box array array -> line -> box
val last_line : box array array -> line -> box
val line_height : box array array -> drawingBox array -> line -> float * float
val comp : box array array -> float -> int -> int -> int -> int -> int -> float
val compression : box array array -> parameters -> line -> float
val box_to_string : box -> string
val text_line : box array array -> line -> string